Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Thematic Collection 5: Performer

The success of a musical artist is rarely due to just the quality of their song. While I do believe that we, the listeners and consumers, have the capability to acknowledge songs and artists for their musical qualities, we much more often popularize songs based on outside factors. When I describe a musical artist as a "performer" I do not mean that they get up on stage and give a good show. No, musical artists today must be performers on the stage and off. What they do, who they show themselves to be, and what identity they claim off stage has a great impact on their music. We have learned that context matters. So here is a compilation of a few contemporary artist who I believe to be expert "performers" off the stage; performers who gain popularity due to both intentional and unintentional identity formation in the media. Performers who prove that context matters.

Britney Spears
Though we all already know this, it would be ridiculous of me not to include Britney. While much of her popularity can be attributed to sexuality and perhaps even a bit of talent, a great deal is also due to the story surrounding her. Our society is intrigued by what she does off stage.

I love Matisyahu's music. I think his songs are catchy, his style is unique, and his message is fantastic. But I undoubtedly have come to know him as "the Jewish rapper." His context, his identity both within and outside his music is what is so intriguing. I think this is what makes a successful artist - one who can create an interesting relationship between rapper-Matisyahu, and Hasidic-Jew-Matisyahu.

Once again, I completely love the music of Bono and U2. But Bono has become such a huge icon not just because of his music, but because of what he stands for. His identity extends into all that the does within and outside of his music. He has in organization and is a huge advocate for many social justice issues.

Marshal Mathers is an incredible wrapper who is definitely known for speaking his mind in his lyrics. He is also know due to his past and his life as person not just a rapper. This is such a large part of his identity as and artist that he made the movie "8 Mile" which describes where he grew up and how he got his start as a rapper. His fans know where he came from and this contributes to his popularity.

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