Sunday, January 22, 2012

Song Analysis 2: Hatefuck - The Bravery

The following song fits very well into themes of this course. The song and its lyrics, rather explicitly, portray perhaps the most blatant form of male domination over women. It almost needs no introduction from me because the song's meaning is so clear. This song presents sexuality in a very dark and dominating way which correlates all too well with stereotypical gender roles. The hegemonic model of masculinity is one which tells men that their masculinity is a function of dominance over women. This can be seen in infinite forms, one of which being the actual act of sexuality. In this song, the artist sings about all of the explicit ways which he will show the power he has over his woman partner. Perhaps one of the most telling lines, which is not too graphic, is when he says: "There will be no tenderness." Another key element to hegemonic male sexuality is the way in which men are to be strong, emotionless beings. This naturally finds its way into the differing ideas of sex between men and women. Men are taught through socialization to view sex as recreation; to show no emotion or "tenderness." It is purely physical and clearly in the case of this song, it is purely for the benefit of the male. In this way, the song "Hatefuck" proves as an example of male empowerment over women.

Hatefuck by The Bravery on Grooveshark

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