Monday, January 23, 2012

Song Analysis 4: Mr. Know It All - Kelly Clarkson

This song serves as a good commentary on gender stereotypes and also shows how a woman can be empowered. The two characters in the narrative are a man a women; the man seems to be very stereotypically masculine. Men have been socialized by the media and other institutions to think that they must be solid, unwavering, and all-knowing. The man in the song thinks he knows it all, the female voice describes how men like this try and tell you that they know better. Unfortunately there are many women who take this "pill" and swallow it. But in the case of this song, the woman recognizes that she has her own voice and that he is "acting like you own me." Because of this, she finds her own power and breaks free from the box that men and gender rolls try and put women in. This sort of song is a great thing to be present in the media as it consciously and subconsciously gives women listeners hope of breaking free from this dis-empowerment.

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