Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Reading Response: EXILE part 1

The Exile of Britney Spears Ch 1-7
Christopher R. Smit

Britney Spears is celebrity. Her name is recognized by everybody. Her image is ingrained in the minds of everyone in our society. Her story has intrigued , and continues to intrigue all of us. All of these aspects which make up who Britney is, have been produced by you and I. Who is the real Britney? Who knows. What Christopher Smit does know, and points out to the rest of us, is that we have created and consumed Britney Spears. From her origins as an innocent southern girl, we as a culture of consumption, have used Britney as an item of our entertainment and consumption. We took her and transformed her slowly from this innocent image to a sort of sexualized innocence. As she became popular with her 1999 album "...Baby One More Time" she really became a product of whatever function we desired her to serve. Her sexuality became more and more prevalent, and continues this same pattern now in her recent comeback to popular music. However, in the middle there was that portion of time in which Britney really fell of the map and made started making her own decisions. That didn't go well to say the least...


...but sure enough, we re-made her into what we desired. And today's Britney is just as much of a sex-symbol as the "original" one.

Discussion Questions:
  1. Do you think Britney is at all to blame for her consumption?
  2. How successful do you think this next portion of her career will be? 
  3. What could cause her to have another fall from fame?

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