Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 4: The Implications Of A Buzz Cut

Whiteley ch. 10 "Sinead O'Connor - Musical Mother"
Keith Negus

The identity of a musical performer is developed through a process of mediation. An identity cannot be simply a function of what is intended by an artist, nor can it be strictly a product of societal influences and restrictions. Rather, an artist has the capability to author their own "text," but has no control over the infinite ways in which their text is mediated and thus received by their audience. Negus uses the example of Sinead O'Connor to show how she authored a text of intimacy and authenticity, and how that text was supported and legitimized by various forms of mediation. The effective artist recognizes this and articulates themselves based on how their text will be interpreted -  an interpretation based on a system of interpretive cues present in the society which influence all listeners.

The use of an acoustic guitar and a specific recording technique, which allows the listener to hear her hands on the guitar, connected the music to the body and made it more relate-able for the listener. This difference between electric and acoustic guitar on meaning and reception is all too prevalent in music still today. Many artists use both to relate differing messages in their songs. For example, notice the different feeling that the guitar provides in relation to the lyrics of the songs.

Negus also commented on how much of an artists identity has to do with more than just their music, but the way they interact with the media. Sinead O'Connor for example, created a an image of an artist in opposition to the recording business through journals and interviews which cited her expressing her opinions. 

Image is another huge piece in how an artist is mediated and seen by the public. For O'Connor, she established a very recognizable image- an image which had a variety of implications about female sexuality.

Discussion Questions:
  1. What do you think some of the contributing factors may have been which led her to buzz her head?
  2. Do you think she recognized all of them and did it intentionally? 

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