Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 2: Is Indie Really Indie

Article: "Is Indie Dead?"
Author: Rachael Maddux
Thesis: Originally created to champion the authentically original individual, indie music has now ironically taken the form which it so clearly built its base against. The origins of indie labels are in music which was formed as a counter-culture to popular music, but the popular "indie" music of today has become paradoxical to this very identity. This pattern of the indie music is illustrated by the current state of "indie" as an identity which many people employ.

So indie music and the entire indie culture may all be ironic and for that matter, dead, but it would just be ignorant for me to say that it isn't catchy. While I would not generally associate myself with either of the above categories, it would be ridiculous for me to say that I didn't enjoy some indie music from time to time. Perhaps my favorite indie-rock/world music group is Beirut. I saw them in concert not that long ago and, just to bring today's discussion full circle, I bought their newest vinyl. Enjoy.

Discussion Questions:
  1. Maddux suggest the term "post-indie." What do you think would be a good alternative name for this? 
  2. Do you think it often goes unrecognized how great of an influence recording labels, particularly the size of the labels, have on music?

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